Gathering – Critical Landscape

03/12/2022, Saturday, 19:00

The Critical Landscape action brings together a group of guest professors, intellectuals, critics, indigenous and non-indigenous people, to watch the programming and produce critical material about TePI. It’s divided in Texts, Video Pills and Open Talk.

With Ricardo Muniz (SC), Gustavo Caboco (PR/RR), Júlia Guimarães (MG), Naine Terena (MT), Pedro Cesarino (SP) and Renata Tupinambá (RJ

Gustavo Caboco (PR/RR)

Júlia Guimarães (MG)

Júlia Guimarães is a guest professor at the Faculty of Languages from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), holds a Doctor’s Degree in Performing Arts from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a postdoc position at Fine Arts School from UFMG. She is the co-organizer of the book O teatro como experiência pública (Theater as a public experience) and co-publisher of Subtexto (Subtext) and Letras (Letters) magazines, both of them from Minas Gerais, and of the Horizonte da Cena (Stage Horizon) podcast. She worked as a theater critic for O Tempo e Pampulha (Time and Pampulha) newspaper from Belo Horizonte city, for Teatrojornal (Theater Journal) from São Paulo and for many Brazilian festivals, such as São Paulo International Theatre (MITsp), Belo Horizonte’s International Theater Festival Stage & Street (FIT-BH) and Mirada Festival.

Naine Terena (MT)

Naine Terena holds a Master’s Degree in Arts, a Doctor’s Degree in Education and is graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). A woman of the Terena people, she’s a researcher, curator and artist educator. A research collaborator in the project Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America (CARLA) from the University of Manchester and the Technologies, Sciences and Creation Laboratory (Labtecc/UFMT), and a collaborator professor of the Indigenous Intercultural Master’s Course of the University of Mato Grosso (Unemat).

Pedro Cesarino (SP)

Pedro Cesarino is a professor at the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). Has published many articles and books, among them, Oniska – poética do xamanismo na Amazônia (Oniska – the poetics of shamanism in the Amazon) (Perspectiva, 2011), Quando a Terra deixou de falar – cantos da mitologia marubo (When the Earth ceased to speak – chants of Marubian mythology) (Ed. 34, 2013), and Políticas culturais e povos indígenas (Cultural politics and indigenous peoples), with Manuela Carneiro da Cunha (Cultura Acadêmica, 2014). He’s the author of the novel Rio Acima (Upstream) (Companhia das Letras, 2016).

Renata Tupinambá (RJ)

Renata Tupinambá, whose indigenous name is Aratykyra, is a journalist, producer, poet, consultant, curator, playwright and visual artist. Founder of the indigenous producer Originárias Productions. Collaborator of the Indigenous Visibility net. Has been working for 15 years with the dissemination of indigenous cultures and ethno communication. A member of the Amotara Zabelê collective in Bahia, creator of the podcast “Originárias”, the first one in Brazil interviewing indigenous artists and musicians, which integrates the group of feminine podcasts named Podsim. She was the co-founder of Yandê Radio, the first Brazilian indigenous web radio.

