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Lithipokoroda – Performance Manifesto (BRAZIL)

By Lilly Baniwa

November 27, 2021, Saturday, 7 p.m.
BRAZIL | 27 min | Parental rating: general audience

Lithipokoroda is a performance manifesto produced by indigenous artists from the city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in the Amazon state. An ancestral woman sleeps, walks by the forest and crosses the city towards the Maloca, the knowledge house of the indigenous peoples The forest is destroyed by the hands of the white men. But, for us, the indigenous peoples, the ancestral knowledge is alive in our bodies. We see indigenous youth from the 21st century, living in the most indigenous city of Brazil, who have the forest as their home and use technology as a denunciation tool. Enough with the genocide invasions, with the violence perpetrated by missionaries, priests and pastors; with the bloodshed, with so many prohibitions, prejudices and persecutions over our indigenous culture.

Direction and script: Lilly Baniwa / Performance: Ellykim Baniwa, Evellyn Hope, Ge Baniwa, Helen Lelis, Lilly Baniwa, Luiz Laureano, Nayra Cardoso and Vander Lima / Production: Lilly Baniwa / Executive production: Naiara Alice Bertoli / Photography director: Paulo Desana / Cast coaching: Lilly Baniwa and Naiara Alice Bertoli / Graphic design: Ruth Steyer Araujo / Art director: Lilly Baniwa / Costume production: Dalila Cardoso, Marlene D Cardoso, Lilly Baniwa, Dalzira Siderio and Ellykim Baniwa / Set design: Geminiano Joanico Cardoso and Lilly Baniwa / Images: Denilson Baniwa / Edition and sound: Lissandro Serrazin and Paulo Desana / Special effects: Lissandro Serrazin and Paulo Desana / Artistic assistance: Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves and Verônica Fabrini / Driver: Janilton Jarumare

