The connection between art and spirituality: the body, the dance and the sky

12/02/2022, saturday, 7 P.M

In this chat, anthropologist João Paulo, philosopher Cristine Takuá and Guarani shaman Carlos Papá are invited to talk about the body in the context of its epistemology. Would it be possible to think of the body as the essence of the world and the place whereby the connection between the sky, the land, the healing, the food and the plants could manifest?

With João Paulo Yepamahsã (AM), Cristine Takuá (SP) e Carlos Papá (SP). Mediation: Luiz Davi Vieira

João Paulo (AM)

João Paulo is an indigenous person from the Yepamahsã (Tukano) people, born in the village of São Domingos, in São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). He graduated in Philosophy and holds a Doctor’s Degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). A researcher at the Center for the Amazonian Indigenous Studies (NEAI) from UFAM, founder of Bahserikowi – Center of Indigenous Medicine, member of the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Cristine Takuá (SP)

Cristine Takuá is an indigenous craftswoman from the Maxakali people. She graduated in Philosophy from the São Paulo State University (Unesp) and is a teacher at the Indigenous State School Txeru Ba’e Kua-l, in the Indigenous Land of Ribeirão Silveira, coast of São Paulo. She’s one of the founders and advisers of the Maracá Institute, founder of the Articulation of the Indigenous Teachers of São Paulo Forum and collaborator in the project Jornada Shubu Hiwea. Her works approach issues like art, empowerment, feminism and resistance.

Carlos Papa (SP)

Carlos Papá Mirim Poty is a Guarani Mbya indigenous person and lives in the village of Rio Silveira. Has been working with audiovisual for more than 20 years, focusing in documentaries, films and cultural workshops for the youth. He also plays the role of spiritual leader in his community. He’s a representative of the Guarani Yvyrupa Committee, and of the founders and advisers of Maracá Institute.

Luiz Davi Vieira (AM)

Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves is an anthropologist-artist, assistant professor at the Amazonas State University (UEA), holds a Doctor’s Degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and is graduated in performing arts from the Federal University of Goias (UFG). He’s the author of the book The Yanomami shamanism in the region of Maturacá/ Yanomami të pë hekuramou Maturacá a xapono háandThe theatricality in the works of Siron Franco: the relationship between History, Theater and Visual Artand the headat the Directory of Research Tabihuni: Center for Contemporary Theatricalities Investigations and its pedagogical interfaces, from UEA/CNPq.

